The application shall be accompanied by the original Application for Assignment of a Registered Trademark or Application for Renewal of Trademark Registration as well as the Notice of Rejection. 同时附送原《转让注册商标申请书》或者《商标续展注册申请书》和《驳回通知书》。
After examination and approval by the Trademark Office, the original Trademark Registration Certificate shall be returned with the necessary notation, and the renewal shall be published. 经商标局核准后,将原《商标注册证》加注发还,并予以公告。
In this chapter, puts forward the related legislative suggestion to the problem existing in 《 Rules of Original 》, 《 Trademark Law 》, 《 Contract Law 》. 在本章中,针对前面所阐述的立法中存在的问题,就《原产地规则》、《商标法》、《合同法》、《技术进出口管理条例》,提出了相关的立法建议。
Trademark translation refers to the process through which the thought, content, and artistic prospect of the original trademark are perfectly replaced and conveyed in the target language to obtain its translated term full of novelty, originality and artistic charm. 商标翻译是运用译语来完美再现和传达原语商标的思想、内容和意境,以获得新颖独特、富有艺术魅力的译名。
The original intention of designing union trademark system is for protecting the trademark well. 设计联合商标制度的初衷是为了更好地保护正商标。
The original is drift through committing a crime constitution, the criminal judical identification and so on, to probe into our criminal law to regulate counterfeit registered trademark crime, moreover to the consummate problem of legislate ponders over. 本文拟从犯罪构成、犯罪的司法认定等方面探讨我国刑法中规定的假冒注册商标罪,并对立法完善问题进行思考。
Regarding the way of protecting name of original sourcing location stipulated from relevant laws, certificate trademark is the most effective way for protecting original sourcing location. 与相关法律规定的保护原产地名称的方法相比较,证明商标是保护原产地名称的最有效手段。
The original "Trademark Law" and "special logo regulations" as well as other intellectual property rights protection have been provided. 原有的《商标法》、《特殊标识管理条例》等对知识产权已经提供了保护。
In the second chapter, the author focuses on the amendment on the original patent non-obviousness review standard of the United States Supreme Court in KSR and the changes of Review Guidelines of the United States Patent and Trademark Office after the case KSR. 在第二章,笔者重点阐述了美国最高院在KSR中对原有的非显而易见性审查标准的修正以及美国专利商标局在KSR案之后对审查指南的修改。
The former is that not permitted by the person with rights, someone removes original trademark and sends it to the market with his own trademark. 前者是指未经权利人允许,撤下原始商标,重新换上新商标予以出售的行为。